Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thomas Builds-the-Fire

    A topic we only hinted on in class was Thomas' full name, Builds-the-Fire. While we discussed fire acting as a rebirth, the only thing I could think of was the obvious implications of the fire itself. Had his parents not died, Thomas' life would have been quite different. However, their deaths altered the life he otherwise would have had.
    Yet again, though, I can't find the correlation to his name. He was named so before the fire (or, if he was named after that is awfully cruel).
    I think his name references his character and his relationship to Victor, the protagonist. As is common in literature, a supporting character with endless odd quirks "supports" the main character, pushing them along their story. Thomas Builds-the-Fire acts as the kindler to Victor.
    Had it not been for Thomas, Victor wouldn't have made it to Phoenix- the spark.
    Thomas continuous asks Victor questions, especially those involving his father and himself- adding fuel to the fire.
    Finally, when the burden of responsibility for Thomas' parents' deaths are passed to Victor-- the fire is roaring. Victor, throughout his journey, has re-evaluated the path he's taken, his father's role and impact in his life, and the life he'll start to live after his journey. Had it not been for Thomas, his life would have stayed on a linear path, stuck in the rez with no direction. Instead, Thomas aids him in finding something else to do with his life.


  1. I really like how you thought about fire with Thomas's name, Builds-the-Fire, and how its connected to his relationship with Victor. All of the connects you made with Thomas towards Victor (acting as kindle, adding fuel, a roaring fire) were all really interesting things to point out because I didn't think of those things until now. They all make a really neat, and interesting connecting with fire in the movie, other than what we talked about in class which was more of the obvious. It also shows in another way that if Victor didn't have Thomas for the journey that he went on, he probably wouldn't have gotten very far. Victor also would not have realized many of the things he learned along the way, even though he didn't want Thomas to be along with him and looked at it as more of a burden.

  2. This is a very interesting observation, I hadn't really given much thought into Thomas's name but your comment really makes sense. Thomas is like a constant burning fire, he definitely was a big reason that Victor was able to make it all the way to Phoenix and back. Along with Thomas's questions about Victor's father, his storytelling could also be fuel that could be added to the fire. The way these two characters work together is really something to think about, it is true that withouth each other their lives would be very different. I believe it was a change for the better.

  3. I had pretty much thought that Thomas' last name was just some kind of tongue-in-cheek joke from Sherman Alexie, but you make a good point about the true meaning of his name. I think you are right that his name relates directly to his relationship with Victor. Thomas' role in the movie is clearly as to act as the catalyst that forces Victor along on his character arc throughout the course of the film.
    I used to have a boss who, when he wanted someone to work faster, would say that he was going to "light a fire under their ass." That is exactly how Alexie uses Thomas in the film; he is the one who lights a fire under Victor's ass. You make a good point.
