Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The role of the past

            The past plays an important role in shaping both Victor’s and Thomas’s future. Smoke Signal’s opening scene demonstrates the importance of the past and how it has played a role in who Victor and Thomas have become as a result of the fire.  The fire that took Thomas’s parent’s lives and almost took Thomas’s, took something from Victor’s dad as well. The fire left a lasting impression, not just on Thomas, but on Victor and his family.  Victor's dad was the one who started the fire, and for the rest of his life he dealt with the guilt of it because he didn't know how to tell anyone. This is what lays out the path Victor follows on his way to forgiving his father. The past outlines the movie and lays the groundwork for Victor and his journey, both physically and metaphorically.
            The past not only provides the audience with background of the events in the movie, but also allows the characters in the movie to reflect on the past and why their lives are the way they are. If it wasn’t for the flashbacks provided throughout the movie, the audience wouldn’t really understand what was going on.  The past is more important than the present, because the past and the events that occurred in it are what make Victor and Thomas who they are in the present. It has a direct impact on their present and their future.  Victor’s dad is haunted by the past and can’t seem to break through his memories that he has of his horrible past. He was responsible for the death of Thomas’s parents and his only escape from the past is through alcohol. When he is drinking, he can disappear from the world and the guilt he feels for the fire, for his failures in life, and for not taking care of Victor the way a father should.
            Victor’s father’s past and his alcoholism have a direct correlation to the way Victor grows up and his angry attitude towards everything.  He can’t seem to forgive his father for leaving him and giving him no explanation as to why he did what he did.  Victor never really knew what made his father leave, and I think a part of him thinks it was his fault because the last time they saw each other, Victor was throwing away all his beer.  Victor undergoes this journey with Thomas and inadvertently learns just how he can overcome the anger he feels towards his father. Through storytelling, another important aspect to Smoke Signals, and flashbacks, Victor is able to piece together the past and overcome the hatred he feels towards his father and move on.



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